• I pack and mail everything myself using materials recycled from suppliers and additional bubble wrap and soft dry cleaning plastic as needed to keep pieces safe during travel. Everything shipped to the US and Canada is through USPS Priority mail which insures packages. If something is broken during shipping please send me a photo of the piece and I will refund your cost and handle the refund with USPS. Shipping is charged at a flat rate of $9.99 in the U.S. and $14.99 in Canada. Shipping is free over $100. For international shipping outside of Canada, I will pack and weigh the package and bill you separately for shipping.

  • Crystal habit grew out of my love for vintage and old stock material collected and treasured by other lovers of rocks. Many of these mines are no longer operational making the treasures we have from them even more rare. Not all pre-owned material is vintage, and in some cases, it’s not possible to know for sure, so when I have more information about the age or previous ownership of the specimen I will share it. When I have collectors tags from previous collectors, I will include them with purchase.

  • As mentioned above, Crystal Habit started with a focus on materials from collections which was my early thinking about ethics.

    As I learned more, it became clear to me that there is a way to buy new material that invests in the people mining it, and that as is often the case in capitalism, solutions aren’t simple.

    It is important to know that the mining for industrial minerals and crystals is the main industry, and collection of minerals for trading and collecting is very small in comparison, often a source of additional income for miners working at larger mines or a livelihood for artisanal miners. When I source material I look for the following things:

    Transparency: Every crystal I sell will be listed with as much information as possible: if it is pre-owned or new material, any collectors tags or records that come with it, and the most detailed information I have about locality. The nature of buying pre-owned material does however mean incomplete information. When I buy new material, I strive to find wholesalers who can share as much as possible about the location, conditions and more.

    Short supply chains: I will look for people who are close to the source, have been in business for a long time, and know inside and out the mines they buy from. I work with a small number of wholesalers so I can build trust and relationships and learn as much as possible.

    Constant improvement: My thinking is constantly evolving as I read and learn more, understand how different minerals are mined, and more. I am open to feedback.

  • The website only includes a small fraction of what I have for sale at any given time. The ease of selling over social media means that stock moves faster than what I can keep up with here. If you are looking for something in particular, please reach out and ask.

  • Please ask! I’m very responsive on Instagram, TikTok and email. I’m constantly learning, and happy to help research any questions you have about the mine or mineral, and can also ask my network of experts, suppliers or others.

  • Interest in the metaphysics of crystals is personal, and some collectors care deeply about this information and others do not. I don’t like to sell minerals or crystals with assurances that it will physically or even emotionally heal your problems, and at the same time I have many customers who find crystals helpful in meditation. I’m happy to share information from metaphysical sources when people ask and share my own personal feelings, but at the same time want to make sure that I am ethical in my practices, which to me means not making any promises. Everyone’s experience will be different. If you find crystals helpful for metaphysical reasons, I will support you in finding what you need.

  • Like all moon citizens, I am a cancer. Crystal Habit was born this October and is a Libra with a Scorpio rising.

  • kal seh duh nee